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  1from __future__ import annotations
  3import fnmatch
  4import logging
  5import typing as t
  6from collections import defaultdict
  7from pathlib import Path
  9from sqlmesh.core.dialect import normalize_model_name
 10from sqlmesh.core.environment import Environment
 11from sqlmesh.core.loader import update_model_schemas
 12from sqlmesh.core.model import Model
 13from sqlmesh.core.state_sync import StateReader
 14from sqlmesh.utils import UniqueKeyDict
 15from sqlmesh.utils.dag import DAG
 16from sqlmesh.utils.git import GitClient
 18logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 21class Selector:
 22    def __init__(
 23        self,
 24        state_reader: StateReader,
 25        models: UniqueKeyDict[str, Model],
 26        context_path: Path = Path("."),
 27        dag: t.Optional[DAG[str]] = None,
 28        default_catalog: t.Optional[str] = None,
 29        dialect: t.Optional[str] = None,
 30    ):
 31        self._state_reader = state_reader
 32        self._models = models
 33        self._context_path = context_path
 34        self._default_catalog = default_catalog
 35        self._dialect = dialect
 36        self._git_client = GitClient(context_path)
 37        self.__models_by_tag: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]] = None
 39        if dag is None:
 40            self._dag: DAG[str] = DAG()
 41            for fqn, model in models.items():
 42                self._dag.add(fqn, model.depends_on)
 43        else:
 44            self._dag = dag
 46    def select_models(
 47        self,
 48        model_selections: t.Iterable[str],
 49        target_env_name: str,
 50        fallback_env_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
 51        ensure_finalized_snapshots: bool = False,
 52    ) -> UniqueKeyDict[str, Model]:
 53        """Given a set of selections returns models from the current state with names matching the
 54        selection while sourcing the remaining models from the target environment.
 56        Args:
 57            model_selections: A set of selections.
 58            target_env_name: The name of the target environment.
 59            fallback_env_name: The name of the fallback environment that will be used if the target
 60                environment doesn't exist.
 61            ensure_finalized_snapshots: Whether to source environment snapshots from the latest finalized
 62                environment state, or to use whatever snapshots are in the current environment state even if
 63                the environment is not finalized.
 65        Returns:
 66            A dictionary of models.
 67        """
 68        target_env = self._state_reader.get_environment(Environment.normalize_name(target_env_name))
 69        if not target_env and fallback_env_name:
 70            target_env = self._state_reader.get_environment(
 71                Environment.normalize_name(fallback_env_name)
 72            )
 74        env_models: t.Dict[str, Model] = {}
 75        if target_env:
 76            environment_snapshot_infos = (
 77                target_env.snapshots
 78                if not ensure_finalized_snapshots
 79                else target_env.finalized_or_current_snapshots
 80            )
 81            env_models = {
 82                s.name: s.model
 83                for s in self._state_reader.get_snapshots(
 84                    environment_snapshot_infos, hydrate_seeds=True
 85                ).values()
 86                if s.is_model
 87            }
 89        all_selected_models = self.expand_model_selections(
 90            model_selections, models={**self._models, **env_models}
 91        )
 93        dag: DAG[str] = DAG()
 94        subdag = set()
 96        for fqn in all_selected_models:
 97            if fqn not in subdag:
 98                subdag.add(fqn)
 99                subdag.update(self._dag.downstream(fqn))
101        models: UniqueKeyDict[str, Model] = UniqueKeyDict("models")
103        all_model_fqns = set(self._models) | set(env_models)
104        for fqn in all_model_fqns:
105            model: t.Optional[Model] = None
106            if fqn not in all_selected_models and fqn in env_models:
107                # Unselected modified or added model.
108                model = env_models[fqn]
109            elif fqn in all_selected_models and fqn in self._models:
110                # Selected modified or removed model.
111                model = self._models[fqn]
113            if model:
114                # model.copy() can't be used here due to a cached state that can be a part of a model instance.
115                if model.fqn in subdag:
116                    model = type(model).parse_obj(model.dict(exclude={"mapping_schema"}))
117                    dag.add(model.fqn, model.depends_on)
118                models[model.fqn] = model
120        update_model_schemas(dag, models, self._context_path)
122        return models
124    def expand_model_selections(
125        self, model_selections: t.Iterable[str], models: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Model]] = None
126    ) -> t.Set[str]:
127        """Expands a set of model selections into a set of model names.
129        Args:
130            model_selections: A set of model selections.
132        Returns:
133            A set of model names.
134        """
135        results: t.Set[str] = set()
136        models = models or self._models
137        models_by_tags: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]] = None
139        for selection in model_selections:
140            sub_results: t.Optional[t.Set[str]] = None
142            def add_sub_results(sr: t.Set[str]) -> None:
143                nonlocal sub_results
144                if sub_results is None:
145                    sub_results = sr
146                else:
147                    sub_results &= sr
149            sub_selections = [s.strip() for s in selection.split("&")]
150            for sub_selection in sub_selections:
151                if not sub_selection:
152                    continue
154                if sub_selection.startswith("tag:"):
155                    if models_by_tags is None:
156                        models_by_tag = defaultdict(set)
157                        for model in models.values():
158                            for tag in model.tags:
159                                models_by_tag[tag.lower()].add(model.fqn)
160                    add_sub_results(
161                        self._expand_model_tag(sub_selection[4:], models, models_by_tag)
162                    )
163                elif sub_selection.startswith("git:"):
164                    add_sub_results(self._expand_git(sub_selection[4:]))
165                else:
166                    add_sub_results(self._expand_model_name(sub_selection, models))
168            if sub_results:
169                results.update(sub_results)
170            else:
171                logger.warning(f"Expression '{selection}' doesn't match any models.")
173        return results
175    def _expand_git(self, target_branch: str) -> t.Set[str]:
176        git_modified_files = {
177            *self._git_client.list_untracked_files(),
178            *self._git_client.list_uncommitted_changed_files(),
179            *self._git_client.list_committed_changed_files(target_branch=target_branch),
180        }
181        matched_models = {m.fqn for m in self._models.values() if m._path in git_modified_files}
183        if not matched_models:
184            logger.warning(f"Expression 'git:{target_branch}' doesn't match any models.")
186        return matched_models
188    def _expand_model_name(self, selection: str, models: t.Dict[str, Model]) -> t.Set[str]:
189        results = set()
191        (
192            selection,
193            include_upstream,
194            include_downstream,
195        ) = self._get_value_and_dependency_inclusion(selection.lower())
197        matched_models = set()
199        if "*" in selection:
200            for model in models.values():
201                if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(model.name, selection):
202                    matched_models.add(model.fqn)
203        else:
204            model_fqn = normalize_model_name(selection, self._default_catalog, self._dialect)
205            if model_fqn in models:
206                matched_models.add(model_fqn)
208        if not matched_models:
209            logger.warning(f"Expression '{selection}' doesn't match any models.")
211        for model_fqn in matched_models:
212            results.update(
213                self._get_models(model_fqn, include_upstream, include_downstream, models)
214            )
215        return results
217    def _expand_model_tag(
218        self, tag_selection: str, models: t.Dict[str, Model], models_by_tag: t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]
219    ) -> t.Set[str]:
220        """
221        Expands a set of model tags into a set of model names.
222        The tag matching is case-insensitive and supports wildcards and + prefix and suffix to
223        include upstream and downstream models.
225        Args:
226            tag_selection: A tag to match models against.
228        Returns:
229            A set of model names.
230        """
231        result = set()
232        matched_tags = set()
233        (
234            selection,
235            include_upstream,
236            include_downstream,
237        ) = self._get_value_and_dependency_inclusion(tag_selection.lower())
239        if "*" in selection:
240            for model_tag in models_by_tag:
241                if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(model_tag, selection):
242                    matched_tags.add(model_tag)
243        elif selection in models_by_tag:
244            matched_tags.add(selection)
246        if not matched_tags:
247            logger.warning(f"Expression 'tag:{tag_selection}' doesn't match any models.")
249        for tag in matched_tags:
250            for model in models_by_tag[tag]:
251                result.update(self._get_models(model, include_upstream, include_downstream, models))
253        return result
255    def _get_models(
256        self,
257        model_name: str,
258        include_upstream: bool,
259        include_downstream: bool,
260        models: t.Dict[str, Model],
261    ) -> t.Set[str]:
262        result = {model_name}
263        if include_upstream:
264            result.update([u for u in self._dag.upstream(model_name) if u in models])
265        if include_downstream:
266            result.update(self._dag.downstream(model_name))
267        return result
269    @staticmethod
270    def _get_value_and_dependency_inclusion(value: str) -> t.Tuple[str, bool, bool]:
271        include_upstream = False
272        include_downstream = False
273        if value[0] == "+":
274            value = value[1:]
275            include_upstream = True
276        if value[-1] == "+":
277            value = value[:-1]
278            include_downstream = True
279        return value, include_upstream, include_downstream
class Selector:
 22class Selector:
 23    def __init__(
 24        self,
 25        state_reader: StateReader,
 26        models: UniqueKeyDict[str, Model],
 27        context_path: Path = Path("."),
 28        dag: t.Optional[DAG[str]] = None,
 29        default_catalog: t.Optional[str] = None,
 30        dialect: t.Optional[str] = None,
 31    ):
 32        self._state_reader = state_reader
 33        self._models = models
 34        self._context_path = context_path
 35        self._default_catalog = default_catalog
 36        self._dialect = dialect
 37        self._git_client = GitClient(context_path)
 38        self.__models_by_tag: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]] = None
 40        if dag is None:
 41            self._dag: DAG[str] = DAG()
 42            for fqn, model in models.items():
 43                self._dag.add(fqn, model.depends_on)
 44        else:
 45            self._dag = dag
 47    def select_models(
 48        self,
 49        model_selections: t.Iterable[str],
 50        target_env_name: str,
 51        fallback_env_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
 52        ensure_finalized_snapshots: bool = False,
 53    ) -> UniqueKeyDict[str, Model]:
 54        """Given a set of selections returns models from the current state with names matching the
 55        selection while sourcing the remaining models from the target environment.
 57        Args:
 58            model_selections: A set of selections.
 59            target_env_name: The name of the target environment.
 60            fallback_env_name: The name of the fallback environment that will be used if the target
 61                environment doesn't exist.
 62            ensure_finalized_snapshots: Whether to source environment snapshots from the latest finalized
 63                environment state, or to use whatever snapshots are in the current environment state even if
 64                the environment is not finalized.
 66        Returns:
 67            A dictionary of models.
 68        """
 69        target_env = self._state_reader.get_environment(Environment.normalize_name(target_env_name))
 70        if not target_env and fallback_env_name:
 71            target_env = self._state_reader.get_environment(
 72                Environment.normalize_name(fallback_env_name)
 73            )
 75        env_models: t.Dict[str, Model] = {}
 76        if target_env:
 77            environment_snapshot_infos = (
 78                target_env.snapshots
 79                if not ensure_finalized_snapshots
 80                else target_env.finalized_or_current_snapshots
 81            )
 82            env_models = {
 83                s.name: s.model
 84                for s in self._state_reader.get_snapshots(
 85                    environment_snapshot_infos, hydrate_seeds=True
 86                ).values()
 87                if s.is_model
 88            }
 90        all_selected_models = self.expand_model_selections(
 91            model_selections, models={**self._models, **env_models}
 92        )
 94        dag: DAG[str] = DAG()
 95        subdag = set()
 97        for fqn in all_selected_models:
 98            if fqn not in subdag:
 99                subdag.add(fqn)
100                subdag.update(self._dag.downstream(fqn))
102        models: UniqueKeyDict[str, Model] = UniqueKeyDict("models")
104        all_model_fqns = set(self._models) | set(env_models)
105        for fqn in all_model_fqns:
106            model: t.Optional[Model] = None
107            if fqn not in all_selected_models and fqn in env_models:
108                # Unselected modified or added model.
109                model = env_models[fqn]
110            elif fqn in all_selected_models and fqn in self._models:
111                # Selected modified or removed model.
112                model = self._models[fqn]
114            if model:
115                # model.copy() can't be used here due to a cached state that can be a part of a model instance.
116                if model.fqn in subdag:
117                    model = type(model).parse_obj(model.dict(exclude={"mapping_schema"}))
118                    dag.add(model.fqn, model.depends_on)
119                models[model.fqn] = model
121        update_model_schemas(dag, models, self._context_path)
123        return models
125    def expand_model_selections(
126        self, model_selections: t.Iterable[str], models: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Model]] = None
127    ) -> t.Set[str]:
128        """Expands a set of model selections into a set of model names.
130        Args:
131            model_selections: A set of model selections.
133        Returns:
134            A set of model names.
135        """
136        results: t.Set[str] = set()
137        models = models or self._models
138        models_by_tags: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]] = None
140        for selection in model_selections:
141            sub_results: t.Optional[t.Set[str]] = None
143            def add_sub_results(sr: t.Set[str]) -> None:
144                nonlocal sub_results
145                if sub_results is None:
146                    sub_results = sr
147                else:
148                    sub_results &= sr
150            sub_selections = [s.strip() for s in selection.split("&")]
151            for sub_selection in sub_selections:
152                if not sub_selection:
153                    continue
155                if sub_selection.startswith("tag:"):
156                    if models_by_tags is None:
157                        models_by_tag = defaultdict(set)
158                        for model in models.values():
159                            for tag in model.tags:
160                                models_by_tag[tag.lower()].add(model.fqn)
161                    add_sub_results(
162                        self._expand_model_tag(sub_selection[4:], models, models_by_tag)
163                    )
164                elif sub_selection.startswith("git:"):
165                    add_sub_results(self._expand_git(sub_selection[4:]))
166                else:
167                    add_sub_results(self._expand_model_name(sub_selection, models))
169            if sub_results:
170                results.update(sub_results)
171            else:
172                logger.warning(f"Expression '{selection}' doesn't match any models.")
174        return results
176    def _expand_git(self, target_branch: str) -> t.Set[str]:
177        git_modified_files = {
178            *self._git_client.list_untracked_files(),
179            *self._git_client.list_uncommitted_changed_files(),
180            *self._git_client.list_committed_changed_files(target_branch=target_branch),
181        }
182        matched_models = {m.fqn for m in self._models.values() if m._path in git_modified_files}
184        if not matched_models:
185            logger.warning(f"Expression 'git:{target_branch}' doesn't match any models.")
187        return matched_models
189    def _expand_model_name(self, selection: str, models: t.Dict[str, Model]) -> t.Set[str]:
190        results = set()
192        (
193            selection,
194            include_upstream,
195            include_downstream,
196        ) = self._get_value_and_dependency_inclusion(selection.lower())
198        matched_models = set()
200        if "*" in selection:
201            for model in models.values():
202                if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(model.name, selection):
203                    matched_models.add(model.fqn)
204        else:
205            model_fqn = normalize_model_name(selection, self._default_catalog, self._dialect)
206            if model_fqn in models:
207                matched_models.add(model_fqn)
209        if not matched_models:
210            logger.warning(f"Expression '{selection}' doesn't match any models.")
212        for model_fqn in matched_models:
213            results.update(
214                self._get_models(model_fqn, include_upstream, include_downstream, models)
215            )
216        return results
218    def _expand_model_tag(
219        self, tag_selection: str, models: t.Dict[str, Model], models_by_tag: t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]
220    ) -> t.Set[str]:
221        """
222        Expands a set of model tags into a set of model names.
223        The tag matching is case-insensitive and supports wildcards and + prefix and suffix to
224        include upstream and downstream models.
226        Args:
227            tag_selection: A tag to match models against.
229        Returns:
230            A set of model names.
231        """
232        result = set()
233        matched_tags = set()
234        (
235            selection,
236            include_upstream,
237            include_downstream,
238        ) = self._get_value_and_dependency_inclusion(tag_selection.lower())
240        if "*" in selection:
241            for model_tag in models_by_tag:
242                if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(model_tag, selection):
243                    matched_tags.add(model_tag)
244        elif selection in models_by_tag:
245            matched_tags.add(selection)
247        if not matched_tags:
248            logger.warning(f"Expression 'tag:{tag_selection}' doesn't match any models.")
250        for tag in matched_tags:
251            for model in models_by_tag[tag]:
252                result.update(self._get_models(model, include_upstream, include_downstream, models))
254        return result
256    def _get_models(
257        self,
258        model_name: str,
259        include_upstream: bool,
260        include_downstream: bool,
261        models: t.Dict[str, Model],
262    ) -> t.Set[str]:
263        result = {model_name}
264        if include_upstream:
265            result.update([u for u in self._dag.upstream(model_name) if u in models])
266        if include_downstream:
267            result.update(self._dag.downstream(model_name))
268        return result
270    @staticmethod
271    def _get_value_and_dependency_inclusion(value: str) -> t.Tuple[str, bool, bool]:
272        include_upstream = False
273        include_downstream = False
274        if value[0] == "+":
275            value = value[1:]
276            include_upstream = True
277        if value[-1] == "+":
278            value = value[:-1]
279            include_downstream = True
280        return value, include_upstream, include_downstream
Selector( state_reader: sqlmesh.core.state_sync.base.StateReader, models: sqlmesh.utils.UniqueKeyDict[str, typing.Union[sqlmesh.core.model.definition.SqlModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.SeedModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.PythonModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.ExternalModel]], context_path: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('.'), dag: Union[sqlmesh.utils.dag.DAG[str], NoneType] = None, default_catalog: Union[str, NoneType] = None, dialect: Union[str, NoneType] = None)
23    def __init__(
24        self,
25        state_reader: StateReader,
26        models: UniqueKeyDict[str, Model],
27        context_path: Path = Path("."),
28        dag: t.Optional[DAG[str]] = None,
29        default_catalog: t.Optional[str] = None,
30        dialect: t.Optional[str] = None,
31    ):
32        self._state_reader = state_reader
33        self._models = models
34        self._context_path = context_path
35        self._default_catalog = default_catalog
36        self._dialect = dialect
37        self._git_client = GitClient(context_path)
38        self.__models_by_tag: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]] = None
40        if dag is None:
41            self._dag: DAG[str] = DAG()
42            for fqn, model in models.items():
43                self._dag.add(fqn, model.depends_on)
44        else:
45            self._dag = dag
def select_models( self, model_selections: Iterable[str], target_env_name: str, fallback_env_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, ensure_finalized_snapshots: bool = False) -> sqlmesh.utils.UniqueKeyDict[str, typing.Union[sqlmesh.core.model.definition.SqlModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.SeedModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.PythonModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.ExternalModel]]:
 47    def select_models(
 48        self,
 49        model_selections: t.Iterable[str],
 50        target_env_name: str,
 51        fallback_env_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
 52        ensure_finalized_snapshots: bool = False,
 53    ) -> UniqueKeyDict[str, Model]:
 54        """Given a set of selections returns models from the current state with names matching the
 55        selection while sourcing the remaining models from the target environment.
 57        Args:
 58            model_selections: A set of selections.
 59            target_env_name: The name of the target environment.
 60            fallback_env_name: The name of the fallback environment that will be used if the target
 61                environment doesn't exist.
 62            ensure_finalized_snapshots: Whether to source environment snapshots from the latest finalized
 63                environment state, or to use whatever snapshots are in the current environment state even if
 64                the environment is not finalized.
 66        Returns:
 67            A dictionary of models.
 68        """
 69        target_env = self._state_reader.get_environment(Environment.normalize_name(target_env_name))
 70        if not target_env and fallback_env_name:
 71            target_env = self._state_reader.get_environment(
 72                Environment.normalize_name(fallback_env_name)
 73            )
 75        env_models: t.Dict[str, Model] = {}
 76        if target_env:
 77            environment_snapshot_infos = (
 78                target_env.snapshots
 79                if not ensure_finalized_snapshots
 80                else target_env.finalized_or_current_snapshots
 81            )
 82            env_models = {
 83                s.name: s.model
 84                for s in self._state_reader.get_snapshots(
 85                    environment_snapshot_infos, hydrate_seeds=True
 86                ).values()
 87                if s.is_model
 88            }
 90        all_selected_models = self.expand_model_selections(
 91            model_selections, models={**self._models, **env_models}
 92        )
 94        dag: DAG[str] = DAG()
 95        subdag = set()
 97        for fqn in all_selected_models:
 98            if fqn not in subdag:
 99                subdag.add(fqn)
100                subdag.update(self._dag.downstream(fqn))
102        models: UniqueKeyDict[str, Model] = UniqueKeyDict("models")
104        all_model_fqns = set(self._models) | set(env_models)
105        for fqn in all_model_fqns:
106            model: t.Optional[Model] = None
107            if fqn not in all_selected_models and fqn in env_models:
108                # Unselected modified or added model.
109                model = env_models[fqn]
110            elif fqn in all_selected_models and fqn in self._models:
111                # Selected modified or removed model.
112                model = self._models[fqn]
114            if model:
115                # model.copy() can't be used here due to a cached state that can be a part of a model instance.
116                if model.fqn in subdag:
117                    model = type(model).parse_obj(model.dict(exclude={"mapping_schema"}))
118                    dag.add(model.fqn, model.depends_on)
119                models[model.fqn] = model
121        update_model_schemas(dag, models, self._context_path)
123        return models

Given a set of selections returns models from the current state with names matching the selection while sourcing the remaining models from the target environment.

  • model_selections: A set of selections.
  • target_env_name: The name of the target environment.
  • fallback_env_name: The name of the fallback environment that will be used if the target environment doesn't exist.
  • ensure_finalized_snapshots: Whether to source environment snapshots from the latest finalized environment state, or to use whatever snapshots are in the current environment state even if the environment is not finalized.

A dictionary of models.

def expand_model_selections( self, model_selections: Iterable[str], models: Union[Dict[str, Union[sqlmesh.core.model.definition.SqlModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.SeedModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.PythonModel, sqlmesh.core.model.definition.ExternalModel]], NoneType] = None) -> Set[str]:
125    def expand_model_selections(
126        self, model_selections: t.Iterable[str], models: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, Model]] = None
127    ) -> t.Set[str]:
128        """Expands a set of model selections into a set of model names.
130        Args:
131            model_selections: A set of model selections.
133        Returns:
134            A set of model names.
135        """
136        results: t.Set[str] = set()
137        models = models or self._models
138        models_by_tags: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]]] = None
140        for selection in model_selections:
141            sub_results: t.Optional[t.Set[str]] = None
143            def add_sub_results(sr: t.Set[str]) -> None:
144                nonlocal sub_results
145                if sub_results is None:
146                    sub_results = sr
147                else:
148                    sub_results &= sr
150            sub_selections = [s.strip() for s in selection.split("&")]
151            for sub_selection in sub_selections:
152                if not sub_selection:
153                    continue
155                if sub_selection.startswith("tag:"):
156                    if models_by_tags is None:
157                        models_by_tag = defaultdict(set)
158                        for model in models.values():
159                            for tag in model.tags:
160                                models_by_tag[tag.lower()].add(model.fqn)
161                    add_sub_results(
162                        self._expand_model_tag(sub_selection[4:], models, models_by_tag)
163                    )
164                elif sub_selection.startswith("git:"):
165                    add_sub_results(self._expand_git(sub_selection[4:]))
166                else:
167                    add_sub_results(self._expand_model_name(sub_selection, models))
169            if sub_results:
170                results.update(sub_results)
171            else:
172                logger.warning(f"Expression '{selection}' doesn't match any models.")
174        return results

Expands a set of model selections into a set of model names.

  • model_selections: A set of model selections.

A set of model names.