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  1from __future__ import annotations
  3import re
  4import time
  5import typing as t
  6import warnings
  8from pandas.api.types import is_datetime64_any_dtype  # type: ignore
 10from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, timezone
 12import dateparser
 13import pandas as pd
 14from dateparser import freshness_date_parser as freshness_date_parser_module
 15from dateparser.freshness_date_parser import freshness_date_parser
 16from sqlglot import exp
 18from sqlmesh.utils import ttl_cache
 20UTC = timezone.utc
 21TimeLike = t.Union[date, datetime, str, int, float]
 22DATE_INT_FMT = "%Y%m%d"
 25    from sqlmesh.core.scheduler import Interval
 28    "ignore",
 29    message="The localize method is no longer necessary, as this time zone supports the fold attribute",
 33# The Freshness Date Data Parser doesn't support plural units so we add the `s?` to the expression
 34freshness_date_parser_module.PATTERN = re.compile(
 35    r"(\d+[.,]?\d*)\s*(%s)s?\b" % freshness_date_parser_module._UNITS,  # type: ignore
 36    re.I | re.S | re.U,  # type: ignore
 38DAY_SHORTCUT_EXPRESSIONS = {"today", "yesterday", "tomorrow"}
 39TIME_UNITS = {"hours", "minutes", "seconds"}
 41    exp.DataType.Type.TIMETZ,
 42    exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPTZ,
 43    exp.DataType.Type.TIMESTAMPLTZ,
 47def now(minute_floor: bool = True) -> datetime:
 48    """
 49    Current utc datetime with optional minute level accuracy / granularity.
 51    minute_floor is set to True by default
 53    Args:
 54        minute_floor: If true (default), removes the second and microseconds from the current datetime.
 56    Returns:
 57        A datetime object with tz utc.
 58    """
 59    now = datetime.now(tz=UTC)
 60    if minute_floor:
 61        return now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=UTC)
 62    return now.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
 65def now_timestamp(minute_floor: bool = False) -> int:
 66    """
 67    Current utc timestamp.
 69    Args:
 70        minute_floor: If true, removes the second and microseconds from the current datetime.
 72    Returns:
 73        UTC epoch millis timestamp
 74    """
 75    return to_timestamp(now(minute_floor))
 78def now_ds() -> str:
 79    """
 80    Current utc ds.
 82    Returns:
 83        Today's ds string.
 84    """
 85    return to_ds(now())
 88def yesterday() -> datetime:
 89    """
 90    Yesterday utc datetime.
 92    Returns:
 93        A datetime object with tz utc representing yesterday's date
 94    """
 95    return to_datetime("yesterday")
 98def yesterday_ds() -> str:
 99    """
100    Yesterday utc ds.
102    Returns:
103        Yesterday's ds string.
104    """
105    return to_ds("yesterday")
108def yesterday_timestamp() -> int:
109    """
110    Yesterday utc timestamp.
112    Returns:
113        UTC epoch millis timestamp of yesterday
114    """
115    return to_timestamp(yesterday())
118def to_timestamp(value: TimeLike, relative_base: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> int:
119    """
120    Converts a value into an epoch millis timestamp.
122    Args:
123        value: A variety of date formats. If value is a string, it must be in iso format.
124        relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
126    Returns:
127        Epoch millis timestamp.
128    """
129    return int(to_datetime(value, relative_base=relative_base).timestamp() * 1000)
133def to_datetime(value: TimeLike, relative_base: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> datetime:
134    """Converts a value into a UTC datetime object.
136    Args:
137        value: A variety of date formats. If the value is number-like, it is assumed to be millisecond epochs.
138        relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
140    Raises:
141        ValueError if value cannot be converted to a datetime.
143    Returns:
144        A datetime object with tz utc.
145    """
146    if isinstance(value, datetime):
147        dt: t.Optional[datetime] = value
148    elif isinstance(value, date):
149        dt = datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day)
150    elif isinstance(value, exp.Expression):
151        return to_datetime(value.name)
152    else:
153        try:
154            epoch = float(value)
155        except ValueError:
156            epoch = None
158        if epoch is None:
159            relative_base = relative_base or now()
160            expression = str(value)
161            if is_catagorical_relative_expression(expression):
162                relative_base = relative_base.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
163            dt = dateparser.parse(expression, settings={"RELATIVE_BASE": relative_base})
164        else:
165            try:
166                dt = datetime.strptime(str(value), DATE_INT_FMT)
167            except ValueError:
168                dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch / 1000.0, tz=UTC)
170    if dt is None:
171        raise ValueError(f"Could not convert `{value}` to datetime.")
173    if dt.tzinfo:
174        return dt if dt.tzinfo == UTC else dt.astimezone(UTC)
175    return dt.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
178def to_date(value: TimeLike, relative_base: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> date:
179    """Converts a value into a UTC date object
180    Args:
181        value: A variety of date formats. If the value is number-like, it is assumed to be millisecond epochs.
182        relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
184    Raises:
185        ValueError if value cannot be converted to a date.
187    Returns:
188        A date object with tz utc.
189    """
190    return to_datetime(value, relative_base).date()
193def date_dict(
194    execution_time: TimeLike, start: t.Optional[TimeLike], end: t.Optional[TimeLike]
195) -> t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, datetime, date, float, int]]:
196    """Creates a kwarg dictionary of datetime variables for use in SQL Contexts.
198    Keys are like start_date, start_ds, end_date, end_ds...
200    Args:
201        execution_time: Execution time.
202        start: Start time.
203        end: End time.
205    Returns:
206        A dictionary with various keys pointing to datetime formats.
207    """
208    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, datetime, date, float, int]] = {}
210    execution_dt = to_datetime(execution_time)
211    prefixes = [
212        ("latest", execution_dt),  # TODO: Preserved for backward compatibility. Remove in 1.0.0.
213        ("execution", execution_dt),
214    ]
216    if start is not None:
217        prefixes.append(("start", to_datetime(start)))
218    if end is not None:
219        prefixes.append(("end", to_datetime(end)))
221    for prefix, time_like in prefixes:
222        dt = to_datetime(time_like)
223        millis = to_timestamp(time_like)
224        kwargs[f"{prefix}_dt"] = dt
225        kwargs[f"{prefix}_date"] = to_date(dt)
226        kwargs[f"{prefix}_ds"] = to_ds(time_like)
227        kwargs[f"{prefix}_ts"] = to_ts(dt)
228        kwargs[f"{prefix}_tstz"] = to_tstz(dt)
229        kwargs[f"{prefix}_epoch"] = millis / 1000
230        kwargs[f"{prefix}_millis"] = millis
231        kwargs[f"{prefix}_hour"] = dt.hour
232    return kwargs
235def to_ds(obj: TimeLike) -> str:
236    """Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD formatted string."""
237    return to_ts(obj)[0:10]
240def to_ts(obj: TimeLike) -> str:
241    """Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS formatted string."""
242    return to_datetime(obj).replace(tzinfo=None).isoformat(sep=" ")
245def to_tstz(obj: TimeLike) -> str:
246    """Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+00:00 formatted string."""
247    return to_datetime(obj).isoformat(sep=" ")
250def is_date(obj: TimeLike) -> bool:
251    """Checks if a TimeLike object should be treated like a date."""
252    if isinstance(obj, date) and not isinstance(obj, datetime):
253        return True
255    try:
256        time.strptime(str(obj).replace("-", ""), DATE_INT_FMT)
257        return True
258    except ValueError:
259        return False
262def make_inclusive(start: TimeLike, end: TimeLike) -> Interval:
263    """Adjust start and end times to to become inclusive datetimes.
265    SQLMesh treats start and end times as inclusive so that filters can be written as
267    SELECT * FROM x WHERE ds BETWEEN @start_ds AND @end_ds.
268    SELECT * FROM x WHERE ts BETWEEN @start_ts AND @end_ts.
270    In the ds ('2020-01-01') case, because start_ds and end_ds are categorical, between works even if
271    start_ds and end_ds are equivalent. However, when we move to ts ('2022-01-01 12:00:00'), because timestamps
272    are numeric, using simple equality doesn't make sense. When the end is not a categorical date, then it is
273    treated as an exclusive range and converted to inclusive by subtracting 1 millisecond.
275    Args:
276        start: Start timelike object.
277        end: End timelike object.
279    Example:
280        >>> make_inclusive("2020-01-01", "2020-01-01")
281        (datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))
283    Returns:
284        A tuple of inclusive datetime objects.
285    """
286    return (to_datetime(start), make_inclusive_end(end))
289def make_inclusive_end(end: TimeLike) -> datetime:
290    end_dt = to_datetime(end)
291    if is_date(end):
292        end_dt = end_dt + timedelta(days=1)
293    return end_dt - timedelta(microseconds=1)
296def validate_date_range(
297    start: t.Optional[TimeLike],
298    end: t.Optional[TimeLike],
299) -> None:
300    if start and end and to_datetime(start) > to_datetime(end):
301        raise ValueError(
302            f"Start date / time ({start}) can't be greater than end date / time ({end})"
303        )
306def time_like_to_str(time_like: TimeLike) -> str:
307    if isinstance(time_like, str):
308        return time_like
309    if is_date(time_like):
310        return to_ds(time_like)
311    return to_ts(time_like)
314def is_catagorical_relative_expression(expression: str) -> bool:
315    if expression.strip().lower() in DAY_SHORTCUT_EXPRESSIONS:
316        return True
317    grain_kwargs = freshness_date_parser.get_kwargs(expression)
318    if not grain_kwargs:
319        return False
320    return not any(k in TIME_UNITS for k in grain_kwargs)
323def to_time_column(
324    time_column: t.Union[TimeLike, exp.Null],
325    time_column_type: exp.DataType,
326    time_column_format: t.Optional[str] = None,
327) -> exp.Expression:
328    """Convert a TimeLike object to the same time format and type as the model's time column."""
329    if isinstance(time_column, exp.Null):
330        return exp.cast(time_column, to=time_column_type)
331    if time_column_type.is_type(exp.DataType.Type.DATE):
332        return exp.cast(exp.Literal.string(to_ds(time_column)), to="date")
333    if time_column_type.this in TEMPORAL_TZ_TYPES:
334        return exp.cast(exp.Literal.string(to_tstz(time_column)), to=time_column_type.this)
335    if time_column_type.this in exp.DataType.TEMPORAL_TYPES:
336        return exp.cast(exp.Literal.string(to_ts(time_column)), to=time_column_type.this)
338    if time_column_format:
339        time_column = to_datetime(time_column).strftime(time_column_format)
340    if time_column_type.this in exp.DataType.TEXT_TYPES:
341        return exp.Literal.string(time_column)
342    if time_column_type.this in exp.DataType.NUMERIC_TYPES:
343        return exp.Literal.number(time_column)
344    return exp.convert(time_column)
347def pandas_timestamp_to_pydatetime(
348    df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_types: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, exp.DataType]]
349) -> pd.DataFrame:
350    for column in df.columns:
351        if is_datetime64_any_dtype(df.dtypes[column]):
352            # We must use `pd.Series` and dtype or pandas will convert it back to pd.Timestamp during assignment
353            # https://stackoverflow.com/a/68961834/1707525
354            df[column] = pd.Series(df[column].dt.to_pydatetime(), dtype="object")
356            if columns_to_types and columns_to_types[column].this in (
357                exp.DataType.Type.DATE,
358                exp.DataType.Type.DATE32,
359            ):
360                # Sometimes `to_pydatetime()` has already converted to date, so we only extract from datetime objects.
361                df[column] = df[column].map(
362                    lambda x: x.date() if type(x) is datetime and not pd.isna(x) else x
363                )
365    return df
def now(minute_floor: bool = True) -> datetime.datetime:
48def now(minute_floor: bool = True) -> datetime:
49    """
50    Current utc datetime with optional minute level accuracy / granularity.
52    minute_floor is set to True by default
54    Args:
55        minute_floor: If true (default), removes the second and microseconds from the current datetime.
57    Returns:
58        A datetime object with tz utc.
59    """
60    now = datetime.now(tz=UTC)
61    if minute_floor:
62        return now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=UTC)
63    return now.replace(tzinfo=UTC)

Current utc datetime with optional minute level accuracy / granularity.

minute_floor is set to True by default

  • minute_floor: If true (default), removes the second and microseconds from the current datetime.

A datetime object with tz utc.

def now_timestamp(minute_floor: bool = False) -> int:
66def now_timestamp(minute_floor: bool = False) -> int:
67    """
68    Current utc timestamp.
70    Args:
71        minute_floor: If true, removes the second and microseconds from the current datetime.
73    Returns:
74        UTC epoch millis timestamp
75    """
76    return to_timestamp(now(minute_floor))

Current utc timestamp.

  • minute_floor: If true, removes the second and microseconds from the current datetime.

UTC epoch millis timestamp

def now_ds() -> str:
79def now_ds() -> str:
80    """
81    Current utc ds.
83    Returns:
84        Today's ds string.
85    """
86    return to_ds(now())

Current utc ds.


Today's ds string.

def yesterday() -> datetime.datetime:
89def yesterday() -> datetime:
90    """
91    Yesterday utc datetime.
93    Returns:
94        A datetime object with tz utc representing yesterday's date
95    """
96    return to_datetime("yesterday")

Yesterday utc datetime.


A datetime object with tz utc representing yesterday's date

def yesterday_ds() -> str:
 99def yesterday_ds() -> str:
100    """
101    Yesterday utc ds.
103    Returns:
104        Yesterday's ds string.
105    """
106    return to_ds("yesterday")

Yesterday utc ds.


Yesterday's ds string.

def yesterday_timestamp() -> int:
109def yesterday_timestamp() -> int:
110    """
111    Yesterday utc timestamp.
113    Returns:
114        UTC epoch millis timestamp of yesterday
115    """
116    return to_timestamp(yesterday())

Yesterday utc timestamp.


UTC epoch millis timestamp of yesterday

def to_timestamp( value: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float], relative_base: Union[datetime.datetime, NoneType] = None) -> int:
119def to_timestamp(value: TimeLike, relative_base: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> int:
120    """
121    Converts a value into an epoch millis timestamp.
123    Args:
124        value: A variety of date formats. If value is a string, it must be in iso format.
125        relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
127    Returns:
128        Epoch millis timestamp.
129    """
130    return int(to_datetime(value, relative_base=relative_base).timestamp() * 1000)

Converts a value into an epoch millis timestamp.

  • value: A variety of date formats. If value is a string, it must be in iso format.
  • relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms

Epoch millis timestamp.

def to_datetime( value: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float], relative_base: Union[datetime.datetime, NoneType] = None) -> datetime.datetime:
134def to_datetime(value: TimeLike, relative_base: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> datetime:
135    """Converts a value into a UTC datetime object.
137    Args:
138        value: A variety of date formats. If the value is number-like, it is assumed to be millisecond epochs.
139        relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
141    Raises:
142        ValueError if value cannot be converted to a datetime.
144    Returns:
145        A datetime object with tz utc.
146    """
147    if isinstance(value, datetime):
148        dt: t.Optional[datetime] = value
149    elif isinstance(value, date):
150        dt = datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day)
151    elif isinstance(value, exp.Expression):
152        return to_datetime(value.name)
153    else:
154        try:
155            epoch = float(value)
156        except ValueError:
157            epoch = None
159        if epoch is None:
160            relative_base = relative_base or now()
161            expression = str(value)
162            if is_catagorical_relative_expression(expression):
163                relative_base = relative_base.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
164            dt = dateparser.parse(expression, settings={"RELATIVE_BASE": relative_base})
165        else:
166            try:
167                dt = datetime.strptime(str(value), DATE_INT_FMT)
168            except ValueError:
169                dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch / 1000.0, tz=UTC)
171    if dt is None:
172        raise ValueError(f"Could not convert `{value}` to datetime.")
174    if dt.tzinfo:
175        return dt if dt.tzinfo == UTC else dt.astimezone(UTC)
176    return dt.replace(tzinfo=UTC)

Converts a value into a UTC datetime object.

  • value: A variety of date formats. If the value is number-like, it is assumed to be millisecond epochs.
  • relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
  • ValueError if value cannot be converted to a datetime.

A datetime object with tz utc.

def to_date( value: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float], relative_base: Union[datetime.datetime, NoneType] = None) -> datetime.date:
179def to_date(value: TimeLike, relative_base: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> date:
180    """Converts a value into a UTC date object
181    Args:
182        value: A variety of date formats. If the value is number-like, it is assumed to be millisecond epochs.
183        relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
185    Raises:
186        ValueError if value cannot be converted to a date.
188    Returns:
189        A date object with tz utc.
190    """
191    return to_datetime(value, relative_base).date()

Converts a value into a UTC date object

  • value: A variety of date formats. If the value is number-like, it is assumed to be millisecond epochs.
  • relative_base: The datetime to reference for time expressions that are using relative terms
  • ValueError if value cannot be converted to a date.

A date object with tz utc.

def date_dict( execution_time: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float], start: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float, NoneType], end: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float, NoneType]) -> Dict[str, Union[str, datetime.datetime, datetime.date, float, int]]:
194def date_dict(
195    execution_time: TimeLike, start: t.Optional[TimeLike], end: t.Optional[TimeLike]
196) -> t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, datetime, date, float, int]]:
197    """Creates a kwarg dictionary of datetime variables for use in SQL Contexts.
199    Keys are like start_date, start_ds, end_date, end_ds...
201    Args:
202        execution_time: Execution time.
203        start: Start time.
204        end: End time.
206    Returns:
207        A dictionary with various keys pointing to datetime formats.
208    """
209    kwargs: t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, datetime, date, float, int]] = {}
211    execution_dt = to_datetime(execution_time)
212    prefixes = [
213        ("latest", execution_dt),  # TODO: Preserved for backward compatibility. Remove in 1.0.0.
214        ("execution", execution_dt),
215    ]
217    if start is not None:
218        prefixes.append(("start", to_datetime(start)))
219    if end is not None:
220        prefixes.append(("end", to_datetime(end)))
222    for prefix, time_like in prefixes:
223        dt = to_datetime(time_like)
224        millis = to_timestamp(time_like)
225        kwargs[f"{prefix}_dt"] = dt
226        kwargs[f"{prefix}_date"] = to_date(dt)
227        kwargs[f"{prefix}_ds"] = to_ds(time_like)
228        kwargs[f"{prefix}_ts"] = to_ts(dt)
229        kwargs[f"{prefix}_tstz"] = to_tstz(dt)
230        kwargs[f"{prefix}_epoch"] = millis / 1000
231        kwargs[f"{prefix}_millis"] = millis
232        kwargs[f"{prefix}_hour"] = dt.hour
233    return kwargs

Creates a kwarg dictionary of datetime variables for use in SQL Contexts.

Keys are like start_date, start_ds, end_date, end_ds...

  • execution_time: Execution time.
  • start: Start time.
  • end: End time.

A dictionary with various keys pointing to datetime formats.

def to_ds(obj: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> str:
236def to_ds(obj: TimeLike) -> str:
237    """Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD formatted string."""
238    return to_ts(obj)[0:10]

Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD formatted string.

def to_ts(obj: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> str:
241def to_ts(obj: TimeLike) -> str:
242    """Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS formatted string."""
243    return to_datetime(obj).replace(tzinfo=None).isoformat(sep=" ")

Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS formatted string.

def to_tstz(obj: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> str:
246def to_tstz(obj: TimeLike) -> str:
247    """Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+00:00 formatted string."""
248    return to_datetime(obj).isoformat(sep=" ")

Converts a TimeLike object into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+00:00 formatted string.

def is_date(obj: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> bool:
251def is_date(obj: TimeLike) -> bool:
252    """Checks if a TimeLike object should be treated like a date."""
253    if isinstance(obj, date) and not isinstance(obj, datetime):
254        return True
256    try:
257        time.strptime(str(obj).replace("-", ""), DATE_INT_FMT)
258        return True
259    except ValueError:
260        return False

Checks if a TimeLike object should be treated like a date.

def make_inclusive( start: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float], end: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> Tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]:
263def make_inclusive(start: TimeLike, end: TimeLike) -> Interval:
264    """Adjust start and end times to to become inclusive datetimes.
266    SQLMesh treats start and end times as inclusive so that filters can be written as
268    SELECT * FROM x WHERE ds BETWEEN @start_ds AND @end_ds.
269    SELECT * FROM x WHERE ts BETWEEN @start_ts AND @end_ts.
271    In the ds ('2020-01-01') case, because start_ds and end_ds are categorical, between works even if
272    start_ds and end_ds are equivalent. However, when we move to ts ('2022-01-01 12:00:00'), because timestamps
273    are numeric, using simple equality doesn't make sense. When the end is not a categorical date, then it is
274    treated as an exclusive range and converted to inclusive by subtracting 1 millisecond.
276    Args:
277        start: Start timelike object.
278        end: End timelike object.
280    Example:
281        >>> make_inclusive("2020-01-01", "2020-01-01")
282        (datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))
284    Returns:
285        A tuple of inclusive datetime objects.
286    """
287    return (to_datetime(start), make_inclusive_end(end))

Adjust start and end times to to become inclusive datetimes.

SQLMesh treats start and end times as inclusive so that filters can be written as

SELECT * FROM x WHERE ds BETWEEN @start_ds AND @end_ds. SELECT * FROM x WHERE ts BETWEEN @start_ts AND @end_ts.

In the ds ('2020-01-01') case, because start_ds and end_ds are categorical, between works even if start_ds and end_ds are equivalent. However, when we move to ts ('2022-01-01 12:00:00'), because timestamps are numeric, using simple equality doesn't make sense. When the end is not a categorical date, then it is treated as an exclusive range and converted to inclusive by subtracting 1 millisecond.

  • start: Start timelike object.
  • end: End timelike object.
>>> make_inclusive("2020-01-01", "2020-01-01")
(datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

A tuple of inclusive datetime objects.

def make_inclusive_end( end: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> datetime.datetime:
290def make_inclusive_end(end: TimeLike) -> datetime:
291    end_dt = to_datetime(end)
292    if is_date(end):
293        end_dt = end_dt + timedelta(days=1)
294    return end_dt - timedelta(microseconds=1)
def validate_date_range( start: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float, NoneType], end: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float, NoneType]) -> None:
297def validate_date_range(
298    start: t.Optional[TimeLike],
299    end: t.Optional[TimeLike],
300) -> None:
301    if start and end and to_datetime(start) > to_datetime(end):
302        raise ValueError(
303            f"Start date / time ({start}) can't be greater than end date / time ({end})"
304        )
def time_like_to_str( time_like: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float]) -> str:
307def time_like_to_str(time_like: TimeLike) -> str:
308    if isinstance(time_like, str):
309        return time_like
310    if is_date(time_like):
311        return to_ds(time_like)
312    return to_ts(time_like)
def is_catagorical_relative_expression(expression: str) -> bool:
315def is_catagorical_relative_expression(expression: str) -> bool:
316    if expression.strip().lower() in DAY_SHORTCUT_EXPRESSIONS:
317        return True
318    grain_kwargs = freshness_date_parser.get_kwargs(expression)
319    if not grain_kwargs:
320        return False
321    return not any(k in TIME_UNITS for k in grain_kwargs)
def to_time_column( time_column: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, int, float, sqlglot.expressions.Null], time_column_type: sqlglot.expressions.DataType, time_column_format: Union[str, NoneType] = None) -> sqlglot.expressions.Expression:
324def to_time_column(
325    time_column: t.Union[TimeLike, exp.Null],
326    time_column_type: exp.DataType,
327    time_column_format: t.Optional[str] = None,
328) -> exp.Expression:
329    """Convert a TimeLike object to the same time format and type as the model's time column."""
330    if isinstance(time_column, exp.Null):
331        return exp.cast(time_column, to=time_column_type)
332    if time_column_type.is_type(exp.DataType.Type.DATE):
333        return exp.cast(exp.Literal.string(to_ds(time_column)), to="date")
334    if time_column_type.this in TEMPORAL_TZ_TYPES:
335        return exp.cast(exp.Literal.string(to_tstz(time_column)), to=time_column_type.this)
336    if time_column_type.this in exp.DataType.TEMPORAL_TYPES:
337        return exp.cast(exp.Literal.string(to_ts(time_column)), to=time_column_type.this)
339    if time_column_format:
340        time_column = to_datetime(time_column).strftime(time_column_format)
341    if time_column_type.this in exp.DataType.TEXT_TYPES:
342        return exp.Literal.string(time_column)
343    if time_column_type.this in exp.DataType.NUMERIC_TYPES:
344        return exp.Literal.number(time_column)
345    return exp.convert(time_column)

Convert a TimeLike object to the same time format and type as the model's time column.

def pandas_timestamp_to_pydatetime( df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, columns_to_types: Union[Dict[str, sqlglot.expressions.DataType], NoneType]) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:
348def pandas_timestamp_to_pydatetime(
349    df: pd.DataFrame, columns_to_types: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, exp.DataType]]
350) -> pd.DataFrame:
351    for column in df.columns:
352        if is_datetime64_any_dtype(df.dtypes[column]):
353            # We must use `pd.Series` and dtype or pandas will convert it back to pd.Timestamp during assignment
354            # https://stackoverflow.com/a/68961834/1707525
355            df[column] = pd.Series(df[column].dt.to_pydatetime(), dtype="object")
357            if columns_to_types and columns_to_types[column].this in (
358                exp.DataType.Type.DATE,
359                exp.DataType.Type.DATE32,
360            ):
361                # Sometimes `to_pydatetime()` has already converted to date, so we only extract from datetime objects.
362                df[column] = df[column].map(
363                    lambda x: x.date() if type(x) is datetime and not pd.isna(x) else x
364                )
366    return df