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This page provides information about how to use SQLMesh with the Databricks SQL engine. It begins with a description of the three methods for connecting SQLMesh to Databricks.

After that is a Connection Quickstart that demonstrates how to connect to Databricks, or you can skip directly to information about using Databricks with the built-in or airflow schedulers.

Databricks connection methods

Databricks provides multiple computing options and connection methods. This section describes the three methods for connecting with SQLMesh.

Databricks SQL Connector

SQLMesh connects to Databricks with the Databricks SQL Connector library by default.

The SQL Connector is bundled with SQLMesh and automatically installed when you include the databricks extra in the command pip install "sqlmesh[databricks]".

The SQL Connector has all the functionality needed for SQLMesh to execute SQL models on Databricks and Python models locally (the default SQLMesh approach).

The SQL Connector does not support Databricks Serverless Compute. If you require Serverless Compute then you must use the Databricks Connect library.

Databricks Connect

If you want Databricks to process PySpark DataFrames in SQLMesh Python models, then SQLMesh must use the Databricks Connect library to connect to Databricks (instead of the Databricks SQL Connector library).

SQLMesh DOES NOT include/bundle the Databricks Connect library. You must install the version of Databricks Connect that matches the Databricks Runtime used in your Databricks cluster.

Find more configuration details below.

Databricks notebook interface

If you are always running SQLMesh commands directly in a Databricks Cluster interface (like in a Databricks Notebook using the notebook magic commands), the SparkSession provided by Databricks is used to execute all SQLMesh commands.

Find more configuration details below.

Connection quickstart

Connecting to cloud warehouses involves a few steps, so this connection quickstart provides the info you need to get up and running with Databricks.

It demonstrates connecting to a Databricks All-Purpose Compute instance with the databricks-sql-connector Python library bundled with SQLMesh.


This quickstart assumes you are familiar with basic SQLMesh commands and functionality.

If you're not, work through the SQLMesh Quickstart before continuing!


Before working through this connection quickstart, ensure that:

  1. You have a Databricks account with access to an appropriate Databricks Workspace
  2. Your computer has SQLMesh installed with the Databricks extra available
    • Install from the command line with the command pip install "sqlmesh[databricks]"
  3. You have initialized a SQLMesh example project on your computer
    • Open a command line interface and navigate to the directory where the project files should go
    • Initialize the project with the command sqlmesh init duckdb

Get connection info

The first step to configuring a Databricks connection is gathering the necessary information from your Databricks compute instance.

Create Compute

We must have something to connect to, so we first create and activate a Databricks compute instance. If you already have one running, skip to the next section.

We begin in the default view for our Databricks Workspace. Access the Compute view by clicking the Compute entry in the left-hand menu:

Databricks Workspace default view

In the Compute view, click the Create compute button:

Databricks Compute default view

Modify compute cluster options if desired and click the Create compute button:

Databricks Create Compute view

Get JDBC/ODBC info

Scroll to the bottom of the view and click the open the Advanced Options view:

Databricks Compute Advanced Options link

Click the JDBC/ODBC tab:

Databricks Compute Advanced Options JDBC/ODBC tab

Open your project's config.yaml configuration file in a text editor and add a new gateway named databricks below the existing local gateway:

Project config.yaml databricks gateway

Copy the server_hostname and http_path connection values from the Databricks JDBC/ODBC tab to the config.yaml file:

Copy server_hostname and http_path to config.yaml

Get personal access token

The final piece of information we need for the config.yaml file is your personal access token.


Do not share your personal access token with anyone.

Best practice for storing secrets like access tokens is placing them in environment variables that the configuration file loads dynamically. For simplicity, this guide instead places the value directly in the configuration file.

This code demonstrates how to use the environment variable DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN for the configuration's access_token parameter:

        type: databricks
        access_token: {{ env_var('DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN') }}

To create a personal access token, click on your profile logo and go to your profile's Settings page:

Navigate to profile Settings page

Go to the Developer view in the User menu. Depending on your account's role, your page may not display the Workspace Admin section of the page.

Navigate to User Developer view

Click the Manage button in the Access Tokens section:

Navigate to Access Tokens management

Click the Generate new token button:

Open the token generation menu

Name your token in the Comment field, and click the Generate button:

Generate a new token

Click the copy button and paste the token into the access_token key:

Copy token to config.yaml access_token key


Do not share your personal access token with anyone.

Best practice for storing secrets like access tokens is placing them in environment variables that the configuration file loads dynamically. For simplicity, this guide instead places the value directly in the configuration file.

This code demonstrates how to use the environment variable DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN for the configuration's access_token parameter:

        type: databricks
        access_token: {{ env_var('DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN') }}

Check connection

We have now specified the databricks gateway connection information, so we can confirm that SQLMesh is able to successfully connect to Databricks. We will test the connection with the sqlmesh info command.

First, open a command line terminal. Now enter the command sqlmesh --gateway databricks info.

We manually specify the databricks gateway because it is not our project's default gateway:

Run sqlmesh info command in CLI

The output shows that our data warehouse connection succeeded:

Successful data warehouse connection

However, the output includes a WARNING about using the Databricks SQL engine for storing SQLMesh state:

Databricks state connection warning


Databricks is not designed for transactional workloads and should not be used to store SQLMesh state even in testing deployments.

Learn more about storing SQLMesh state here.

Specify state connection

We can store SQLMesh state in a different SQL engine by specifying a state_connection in our databricks gateway.

This example uses the DuckDB engine to store state in the local databricks_state.db file:

Specify DuckDB state connection

Now we no longer see the warning when running sqlmesh --gateway databricks info, and we see a new entry State backend connection succeeded:

No state connection warning

Run a sqlmesh plan

For convenience, we can omit the --gateway option from our CLI commands by specifying databricks as our project's default_gateway:

Specify databricks as default gateway

And run a sqlmesh plan in Databricks:

Run sqlmesh plan in databricks

And confirm that our schemas and objects exist in the Databricks catalog:

Sqlmesh plan objects in databricks

Congratulations - your SQLMesh project is up and running on Databricks!


SQLMesh connects to your Databricks Cluster's default catalog by default. Connect to a different catalog by specifying its name in the connection configuration's catalog parameter.

Local/Built-in Scheduler

Engine Adapter Type: databricks


pip install "sqlmesh[databricks]"

Connection method details

Databricks provides multiple computing options and connection methods. The section above explains how to use them with SQLMesh, and this section provides additional configuration details.

Databricks SQL Connector

SQLMesh uses the Databricks SQL Connector to connect to Databricks by default. Learn more above.

Databricks Connect

If you want Databricks to process PySpark DataFrames in SQLMesh Python models, then SQLMesh needs to use the Databricks Connect to connect to Databricks (instead of the Databricks SQL Connector).

SQLMesh DOES NOT include/bundle the Databricks Connect library. You must install the version of Databricks Connect that matches the Databricks Runtime used in your Databricks cluster.

SQLMesh's Databricks Connect implementation supports Databricks Runtime 13.0 or higher. If SQLMesh detects that you have Databricks Connect installed, then it will use it for all Python models (both Pandas and PySpark DataFrames).

Databricks Connect can execute SQL and DataFrame operations on different clusters by setting the SQLMesh databricks_connect_* connection options. For example, these options could configure SQLMesh to run SQL on a Databricks SQL Warehouse while still routing DataFrame operations to a normal Databricks Cluster.


If using Databricks Connect, make sure to learn about the Databricks requirements and limitations.

Databricks notebook interface

If you are always running SQLMesh commands directly on a Databricks Cluster (like in a Databricks Notebook using the notebook magic commands), the SparkSession provided by Databricks is used to execute all SQLMesh commands.

The only relevant SQLMesh configuration parameter is the optional catalog parameter.

Connection options

Option Description Type Required
type Engine type name - must be databricks string Y
server_hostname Databricks instance host name string N
http_path HTTP path, either to a DBSQL endpoint (such as /sql/1.0/endpoints/1234567890abcdef) or to an All-Purpose cluster (such as /sql/protocolv1/o/1234567890123456/1234-123456-slid123) string N
access_token HTTP Bearer access token, such as Databricks Personal Access Token string N
catalog The name of the catalog to use for the connection. Defaults to use Databricks cluster default. string N
auth_type SQL Connector Only: Set to 'databricks-oauth' or 'azure-oauth' to trigger OAuth (or dont set at all to use access_token) string N
oauth_client_id SQL Connector Only: Optional M2M OAuth Client ID to use when auth_type is set string N
oauth_client_secret SQL Connector Only: Optional M2M OAuth Client Secret to use when auth_type is set string N
http_headers SQL Connector Only: An optional dictionary of HTTP headers that will be set on every request dict N
session_configuration SQL Connector Only: An optional dictionary of Spark session parameters. Execute the SQL command SET -v to get a full list of available commands. dict N
databricks_connect_server_hostname Databricks Connect Only: Databricks Connect server hostname. Uses server_hostname if not set. string N
databricks_connect_access_token Databricks Connect Only: Databricks Connect access token. Uses access_token if not set. string N
databricks_connect_cluster_id Databricks Connect Only: Databricks Connect cluster ID. Uses http_path if not set. Cannot be a Databricks SQL Warehouse. string N
databricks_connect_use_serverless Databricks Connect Only: Use a serverless cluster for Databricks Connect. If using serverless then SQL connector is disabled since Serverless is not supported for SQL Connector bool N
force_databricks_connect When running locally, force the use of Databricks Connect for all model operations (so don't use SQL Connector for SQL models) bool N
disable_databricks_connect When running locally, disable the use of Databricks Connect for all model operations (so use SQL Connector for all models) bool N
disable_spark_session Do not use SparkSession if it is available (like when running in a notebook). bool N

Airflow Scheduler

Engine Name: databricks / databricks-submit / databricks-sql.

Databricks has multiple operators to help differentiate running a SQL query from running a Python script.

When evaluating models, the SQLMesh Databricks integration implements the DatabricksSubmitRunOperator. This is needed to be able to run either SQL or Python scripts on the Databricks cluster.

When performing environment management operations, the SQLMesh Databricks integration is similar to the DatabricksSqlOperator, and relies on the same DatabricksSqlHook implementation. All environment management operations are SQL-based, and the overhead of submitting jobs can be avoided.

Engine: databricks-submit

Whether evaluating models or performing environment management operations, the SQLMesh Databricks integration implements the DatabricksSubmitRunOperator.

Engine: databricks-sql

Forces the SQLMesh Databricks integration to use the operator based on the DatabricksSqlOperator for all operations. If your project is pure SQL operations, then this is an option.

To enable support for this operator, the Airflow Databricks provider package should be installed on the target Airflow cluster along with the SQLMesh package with databricks extra as follows:

pip install apache-airflow-providers-databricks

The operator requires an Airflow connection to determine the target Databricks cluster. Refer to Databricks connection for more details. SQLMesh requires that http_path be defined in the connection since it uses this to determine the cluster for both SQL and submit operators.

Example format: databricks://<hostname>?token=<token>&http_path=<http_path>

By default, the connection ID is set to databricks_default, but it can be overridden using both the engine_operator_args and the ddl_engine_operator_args parameters to the SQLMeshAirflow instance. In addition, one special configuration that the SQLMesh Airflow evaluation operator requires is a dbfs path to store an application to load a given SQLMesh model. Also, a payload is stored that contains the information required for SQLMesh to do the loading. This must be defined in the evaluate_engine_operator_args parameter. Example of defining both:

from sqlmesh.schedulers.airflow.integration import SQLMeshAirflow

sqlmesh_airflow = SQLMeshAirflow(
    default_catalog="<catalog name>",
        "databricks_conn_id": "<Connection ID>",
        "dbfs_location": "dbfs:/FileStore/sqlmesh",
        "databricks_conn_id": "<Connection ID>",

for dag in sqlmesh_airflow.dags:
    globals()[dag.dag_id] = dag


If your Databricks connection is configured to run on serverless DBSQL, then you need to define existing_cluster_id or new_cluster in your engine_operator_args.


sqlmesh_airflow = SQLMeshAirflow(
    default_catalog="<catalog name>",
        "dbfs_location": "dbfs:/FileStore/sqlmesh",
        "existing_cluster_id": "1234-123456-slid123",

Model table properties to support altering tables

If you are making a change to the structure of a table that is forward only, then you may need to add the following to your model's physical_properties:

    name sqlmesh_example.new_model,
    physical_properties (
        'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name'

If you attempt to alter without having this property set, you will get an error similar to databricks.sql.exc.ServerOperationError: [DELTA_UNSUPPORTED_DROP_COLUMN] DROP COLUMN is not supported for your Delta table.. Databricks Documentation for more details.