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SQLMesh configuration

This page lists SQLMesh configuration options and their parameters. Learn more about SQLMesh configuration in the configuration guide.

Configuration options for model definitions are listed in the model configuration reference page.

Root configurations

A SQLMesh project configuration consists of root level parameters within which other parameters are defined.

Two important root level parameters are gateways and gateway/connection defaults, which have their own sections below.

This section describes the other root level configuration parameters.


Configuration options for SQLMesh project directories.

Option Description Type Required
ignore_patterns Files that match glob patterns specified in this list are ignored when scanning the project folder (Default: []) list[string] N


Configuration options for SQLMesh environment creation and promotion.

Option Description Type Required
snapshot_ttl The period of time that a model snapshot not a part of any environment should exist before being deleted. This is defined as a string with the default in 1 week. Other relative dates can be used, such as in 30 days. (Default: in 1 week) string N
environment_ttl The period of time that a development environment should exist before being deleted. This is defined as a string with the default in 1 week. Other relative dates can be used, such as in 30 days. (Default: in 1 week) string N
pinned_environments The list of development environments that are exempt from deletion due to expiration list[string] N
time_column_format The default format to use for all model time columns. This time format uses python format codes (Default: %Y-%m-%d) string N
default_target_environment The name of the environment that will be the default target for the sqlmesh plan and sqlmesh run commands. (Default: prod) string N
physical_schema_override A mapping from model schema names to names of schemas in which physical tables for the corresponding models will be placed - addition details. (Default physical schema name: sqlmesh__[model schema]) string N
environment_suffix_target Whether SQLMesh views should append their environment name to the schema or table - additional details. (Default: schema) string N
log_limit The default number of logs to keep (Default: 20) int N

Model defaults

The model_defaults key is required and must contain a value for the dialect key.

See all the keys allowed in model_defaults at the model configuration reference page.


The variables key can be used to provide values for user-defined variables, accessed using the @VAR macro function in SQL model definitions, context.var method in Python model definitions, and evaluator.var method in Python macro functions.

The variables key consists of a mapping of variable names to their values - see an example on the SQLMesh macros concepts page. Note that keys are case insensitive.

Global variable values may be any of the data types in the table below or lists or dictionaries containing those types.

Option Description Type Required
variables Mapping of variable names to values dict[string, int | float | bool | string | list | dict] N


Configuration for the sqlmesh plan command.

Option Description Type Required
auto_categorize_changes Indicates whether SQLMesh should attempt to automatically categorize model changes during plan creation per each model source type (additional details) dict[string, string] N
include_unmodified Indicates whether to create views for all models in the target development environment or only for modified ones (Default: False) boolean N
auto_apply Indicates whether to automatically apply a new plan after creation (Default: False) boolean N
forward_only Indicates whether the plan should be forward-only (Default: False) boolean N
enable_preview Indicates whether to enable data preview for forward-only models when targeting a development environment (Default: False) boolean N
no_diff Don't show diffs for changed models (Default: False) boolean N
no_prompts Disables interactive prompts in CLI (Default: False) boolean N


Configuration for the sqlmesh run command. Please note that this is only applicable when configured with the builtin scheduler.

Option Description Type Required
environment_check_interval The number of seconds to wait between attempts to check the target environment for readiness (Default: 30 seconds) int N
environment_check_max_wait The maximum number of seconds to wait for the target environment to be ready (Default: 6 hours) int N


Formatting settings for the sqlmesh format command and UI.

Option Description Type Required
normalize Whether to normalize SQL (Default: False) boolean N
pad The number of spaces to use for padding (Default: 2) int N
indent The number of spaces to use for indentation (Default: 2) int N
normalize_functions Whether to normalize function names. Supported values are: 'upper' and 'lower' (Default: None) string N
leading_comma Whether to use leading commas (Default: False) boolean N
max_text_width The maximum text width in a segment before creating new lines (Default: 80) int N
append_newline Whether to append a newline to the end of the file (Default: False) boolean N


SQLMesh UI settings.

Option Description Type Required
format Whether to automatically format model definitions upon saving them to a file (Default: False) boolean N


The gateways dictionary defines how SQLMesh should connect to the data warehouse, state backend, test backend, and scheduler.

It takes one or more named gateway configuration keys, each of which can define its own connections. A named gateway does not need to specify all four components and will use defaults if any are omitted - more information is provided about gateway defaults below.

For example, a project might configure the gate1 and gate2 gateways:

        state_connection: # defaults to `connection` if omitted and not using airflow or google cloud composer scheduler
        test_connection: # defaults to `connection` if omitted
        scheduler: # defaults to `builtin` if omitted

Find additional information about gateways in the configuration guide gateways section.


Configuration for each named gateway.


A named gateway key may define any or all of a data warehouse connection, state backend connection, state schema name, test backend connection, and scheduler.

Some connections use default values if not specified:

  • The connection key may be omitted if a default_connection is specified.
  • The state connection defaults to connection unless the configuration uses an Airflow or Google Cloud Composer scheduler. If using one of those schedulers, the state connection defaults to the scheduler's database.
  • The test connection defaults to connection if omitted.

NOTE: Spark and Trino engines may not be used for the state connection.

Option Description Type Required
connection The data warehouse connection for core SQLMesh functions. connection configuration N (if default_connection specified)
state_connection The data warehouse connection where SQLMesh will store internal information about the project. (Default: connection if using builtin scheduler, otherwise scheduler database) connection configuration N
state_schema The name of the schema where state information should be stored. (Default: sqlmesh) string N
test_connection The data warehouse connection SQLMesh will use to execute tests. (Default: connection) connection configuration N
scheduler The scheduler SQLMesh will use to execute tests. (Default: builtin) scheduler configuration N
variables The gateway-specific variables which override the root-level variables by key. dict[string, int | float | bool | string | list | dict] N


Configuration for a data warehouse connection.

Most parameters are specific to the connection engine type - see below. The default data warehouse connection type is an in-memory DuckDB database.


Option Description Type Required
type The engine type name, listed in engine-specific configuration pages below. str Y
concurrent_tasks The maximum number of concurrent tasks that will be run by SQLMesh. (Default: 4 for engines that support concurrent tasks.) int N
register_comments Whether SQLMesh should register model comments with the SQL engine (if the engine supports it). (Default: true.) bool N


These pages describe the connection configuration options for each execution engine.


Identifies which scheduler backend to use. The scheduler backend is used both for storing metadata and for executing plans.

By default, the scheduler type is set to builtin and uses the gateway's connection to store metadata. Use the airflow type to integrate with Airflow.

Below is the list of configuration options specific to each corresponding scheduler type. Find additional details in the configuration overview scheduler section.


No configuration options are supported by this scheduler type.


See Airflow Integration Guide for information about how to integrate Airflow with SQLMesh.

Option Description Type Required
airflow_url The URL of the Airflow Webserver string Y
username The Airflow username string Y
password The Airflow password string Y
dag_run_poll_interval_secs Determines, in seconds, how often a running DAG can be polled (Default: 10) int N
dag_creation_poll_interval_secs Determines, in seconds, how often SQLMesh should check whether a DAG has been created (Default: 30) int N
dag_creation_max_retry_attempts Determines the maximum number of attempts that SQLMesh will make while checking for whether a DAG has been created (Default: 10) int N
backfill_concurrent_tasks The number of concurrent tasks used for model backfilling during plan application (Default: 4) int N
ddl_concurrent_tasks The number of concurrent tasks used for DDL operations like table/view creation, deletion, and so forth (Default: 4) int N
max_snapshot_ids_per_request The maximum number of snapshot IDs that can be sent in a single HTTP GET request to the Airflow Webserver (Default: None) int N
use_state_connection Whether to use the state_connection configuration to bypass Airflow Webserver and access the SQLMesh state directly (Default: false) boolean N
default_catalog_override Overrides the default catalog value for this project. If specified, this value takes precedence over the default catalog value set on the Airflow side. This only applies in the multi-repo setup when different projects require different default catalog values (Default: None) string N

Cloud Composer

The Google Cloud Composer scheduler type shares the same configuration options as the airflow type, except for username and password. Cloud Composer relies on gcloud authentication, so the username and password options are not required.

Gateway/connection defaults

The default gateway and connection keys specify what should happen when gateways or connections are not explicitly specified. Find additional details in the configuration overview page gateway/connection defaults section.

Default gateway

If a configuration contains multiple gateways, SQLMesh will use the first one in the gateways dictionary by default. The default_gateway key is used to specify a different gateway name as the SQLMesh default.

Option Description Type Required
default_gateway The name of a gateway to use if one is not provided explicitly (Default: the gateway defined first in the gateways option) string N

Default connections/scheduler

The default_connection, default_test_connection, and default_scheduler keys are used to specify shared defaults across multiple gateways.

For example, you might have a specific connection where your tests should run regardless of which gateway is being used. Instead of duplicating the test connection information in each gateway specification, specify it once in the default_test_connection key.

Option Description Type Required
default_connection The default connection to use if one is not specified in a gateway (Default: A DuckDB connection that creates an in-memory database) connection N
default_test_connection The default connection to use when running tests if one is not specified in a gateway (Default: A DuckDB connection that creates an in-memory database connection) N
default_scheduler The default scheduler configuration to use if one is not specified in a gateway (Default: built-in scheduler) scheduler N

Debug mode

To enable debug mode set the SQLMESH_DEBUG environment variable to one of the following values: "1", "true", "t", "yes" or "y".

Enabling this mode ensures that full backtraces are printed when using CLI. The default log level is set to DEBUG when this mode is enabled.

Example enabling debug mode for the CLI command sqlmesh plan:

$ SQLMESH_DEBUG=1 sqlmesh plan
PS> sqlmesh plan
C:\> sqlmesh plan