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This page describes SQLMesh support for the Clickhouse engine, including configuration options specific to Clickhouse.


Clickhouse may not be used for the SQLMesh state connection.


Clickhouse is a distributed, column-oriented SQL engine designed to rapidly execute analytical workloads.

It provides users fine-grained control of its behavior, but that control comes at the cost of complex configuration.

This section provides background information about Clickhouse, providing context for how to use SQLMesh with the Clickhouse engine.

Object naming

Most SQL engines use a three-level hierarchical naming scheme: tables/views are nested within schemas, and schemas are nested within catalogs. For example, the full name of a table might be my_catalog.my_schema.my_table.

Clickhouse instead uses a two-level hierarchical naming scheme that has no counterpart to catalog. In addition, it calls the second level in the hierarchy "databases." SQLMesh and its documentation refer to this second level as "schemas."

SQLMesh fully supports Clickhouse's two-level naming scheme without user action.

Table engines

Every Clickhouse table is created with a "table engine" that controls how the table's data is stored and queried. Clickhouse's (and SQLMesh's) default table engine is MergeTree.

The MergeTree engine family requires that every table be created with an ORDER BY clause.

SQLMesh will automatically inject an empty ORDER BY clause into every MergeTree family table's CREATE statement, or you can specify the columns/expressions by which the table should be ordered.

Clickhouse modes of operation

Conceptually, it may be helpful to view Clickhouse as having three modes of operation: single server, cluster, and Clickhouse Cloud. SQLMesh supports all three modes.

Single server mode

Single server mode is similar to other SQL engines: aside from choosing each table's engine, you do not need to worry about how computations are executed. You issue standard SQL commands/queries, and Clickhouse executes them.

Cluster mode

Cluster mode allows you to scale your Clickhouse engine to any number of networked servers. This enables massive workloads, but requires that you specify how computations are executed by the networked servers.

Clickhouse coordinates the computations on the networked servers with Clickhouse Keeper (it also supports Apache ZooKeeper).

You specify named virtual clusters of servers in the Keeper configuration, and those clusters provide namespaces for data objects and computations. For example, you might include all networked servers in the cluster you name MyCluster.

In general, you must be connected to a Clickhouse server to execute commands. By default, each command you execute runs in single-server mode on the server you are connected to.

To associate an object with a cluster, DDL commands that create or modify it must include the text ON CLUSTER [your cluster name].

If you provide a cluster name in your SQLMesh connection configuration, SQLMesh will automatically inject the ON CLUSTER statement into the DDL commands for all objects created while executing the project. We provide more information about clusters in SQLMesh below.

Clickhouse Cloud mode

Clickhouse Cloud is a managed Clickhouse platform. It allows you to scale Clickhouse without administering a cluster yourself or modifying your SQL commands to run on the cluster.

Clickhouse Cloud automates Clickhouse's cluster controls, which sometimes constrains Clickhouse's flexibility or how you execute SQL commands. For example, creating a table with a SELECT command must occur in two steps on Clickhouse Cloud. SQLMesh handles this limitation for you.

Aside from those constraints, Clickhouse Cloud mode is similar to single server mode - you run standard SQL commands/queries, and Clickhouse Cloud executes them.

Cluster specification

A Clickhouse cluster allows multiple networked Clickhouse servers to operate on the same data object. Every cluster must be named in the Clickhouse configuration files, and that name is passed to a table's DDL statements in the ON CLUSTER clause.

For example, we could create a table my_schema.my_table on cluster TheCluster like this: CREATE TABLE my_schema.my_table ON CLUSTER TheCluster (col1 Int8).

To create SQLMesh objects on a cluster, provide the cluster name to the cluster key in the SQLMesh connection definition (see all connection parameters below).

SQLMesh will automatically inject the ON CLUSTER clause and cluster name you provide into all project DDL statements.

Model definition

This section describes how you control a table's engine and other Clickhouse-specific functionality in SQLMesh models.

Table engine

SQLMesh uses the MergeTree table engine with an empty ORDER BY clause by default.

Specify a different table engine by passing the table engine definition to the model DDL's storage_format parameter. For example, you could specify the Log table engine like this:

    name my_schema.my_log_table,
    kind full,
    storage_format Log,

from other_schema.other_table;

You may also specify more complex table engine definitions. For example:

    name my_schema.my_rep_table,
    kind full,
    storage_format ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/table_name', '{replica}', ver),

from other_schema.other_table;


MergeTree family engines require that a table's CREATE statement include the ORDER BY clause.

SQLMesh will automatically inject an empty ORDER BY () when creating a table with an engine in the MergeTree family. This creates the table without any ordering.

You may specify columns/expressions to ORDER BY by passing them to the model physical_properties dictionary's order_by key.

For example, you could order by columns col1 and col2 like this:

    name my_schema.my_log_table,
    kind full,
    physical_properties (
        order_by = (col1, col2)

from other_schema.other_table;

Note that there is an = between the order_by key name and value (col1, col2).

Complex ORDER BY expressions may need to be passed in single quotes, with interior single quotes escaped by the \ character.


Table engines may also accept a PRIMARY KEY specification. Similar to ORDER BY, specify a primary key in the model DDL's physical_properties dictionary. For example:

    name my_schema.my_log_table,
    kind full,
    physical_properties (
        order_by = (col1, col2),
        primary_key = col1

from other_schema.other_table;

Note that there is an = between the primary_key key name and value col1.


Some Clickhouse table engines support partitioning. Specify the partitioning columns/expressions in the model DDL's partitioned_by key.

For example, you could partition by columns col1 and col2 like this:

    name my_schema.my_log_table,
    kind full,
    partitioned_by (col1, col2),

from other_schema.other_table;


Clickhouse supports an immense number of settings, many of which can be altered in multiple places: Clickhouse configuration files, Python client connection arguments, DDL statements, SQL queries, and others.

This section discusses how to control Clickhouse settings in SQLMesh.

Connection settings

SQLMesh connects to Python with the clickhouse-connect library. Its connection method accepts a dictionary of arbitrary settings that are passed to Clickhouse.

Specify these settings in the connection_settings key. This example demonstrates how to set the distributed_ddl_task_timeout setting to 300:

    type: clickhouse
    host: localhost
    port: 8123
    username: user
    password: pw
      distributed_ddl_task_timeout: 300
    type: duckdb

DDL settings

Clickhouse settings may also be specified in DDL commands like CREATE.

Specify these settings in a model DDL's physical_properties key (where the order_by and primary_key values are specified, if present).

This example demonstrates how to set the index_granularity setting to 128:

    name my_schema.my_log_table,
    kind full,
    physical_properties (
        index_granularity = 128

from other_schema.other_table;

Note that there is an = between the index_granularity key name and value 128.

Query settings

Clickhouse settings may be specified directly in a model's query with the SETTINGS keyword.

This example demonstrates setting the join_use_nulls setting to 1:

    name my_schema.my_log_table,
    kind full,

from other_schema.other_table
SETTINGS join_use_nulls = 1;

Multiple settings may be specified in a query with repeated use of the SETTINGS keyword: SELECT * FROM other_table SETTINGS first_setting = 1 SETTINGS second_setting = 2;.

Usage by SQLMesh

The Clickhouse setting join_use_nulls affects the behavior of SQLMesh SCD models and table diffs. This section describes how SQLMesh uses query settings to control that behavior.


In general, table JOINs can return empty cells for rows not present in both tables.

For example, consider LEFT JOINing two tables left and right, where the column right_column is only present in the right table. Any rows only present in the left table will have no value for right_column in the joined table.

In other SQL engines, those empty cells are filled with NULLs.

In contrast, Clickhouse fills the empty cells with data type-specific default values (e.g., 0 for integer column types). It will fill the cells with NULLs instead if you set join_use_nulls to 1.


SQLMesh automatically generates SQL queries for both SCD Type 2 models and table diff comparisons. These queries include table JOINs and calculations based on the presence of NULL values.

Because those queries expect NULL values in empty cells, SQLMesh automatically adds SETTINGS join_use_nulls = 1 to the generated SCD and table diff SQL code.

The SCD model definition query is embedded as a CTE in the full SQLMesh-generated query. If run alone, the model definition query would use the Clickhouse server's current join_use_nulls value.

If that value is not 1, the SQLMesh setting on the outer query would override the server value and produce incorrect results.

Therefore, SQLMesh uses the following procedure to ensure the model definition query runs with the correct join_use_nulls value:

  • If the model query sets join_use_nulls itself, do nothing
  • If the model query does not set join_use_nulls and the current server join_use_nulls value is 1, do nothing
  • If the model query does not set join_use_nulls and the current server join_use_nulls value is 0, add SETTINGS join_use_nulls = 0 to the CTE model query
    • All other CTEs and the outer query will still execute with a join_use_nulls value of 1

Local/Built-in Scheduler

Engine Adapter Type: clickhouse

Connection options

Option Description Type Required
type Engine type name - must be clickhouse string Y
user The username to log in to your server. string Y
host The hostname of your server. Do not include the http:// or https:// prefix. string Y
port The port to connect to your server. Default: 8123 for non-encrypted connections, 8443 for encrypted connections and Clickhouse Cloud. int Y
cluster Name of the Clickhouse cluster on which SQLMesh should create objects. Should not be specified for standalone Clickhouse servers or Clickhouse Cloud. string N
use_compression Enable compression for ClickHouse HTTP inserts and query results. Default: True bool N
compression_method Use a specific compression method for inserts and query results - allowed values lz4, zstd, br, or gzip. str N
query_limit Maximum number of rows to return for any query response. Default: 0 (unlimited rows) int N
connect_timeout HTTP connection timeout in seconds. Default: 10 int N
send_receive_timeout Send/receive timeout for the HTTP connection in seconds. Default: 300 int N
verify Validate the ClickHouse server TLS/SSL certificate (hostname, expiration, etc.) if using HTTPS/TLS. Default: True bool N
connection_settings Arbitrary Clickhouse settings passed to the clickhouse-connect client. dict[str, any] N