This page provides instructions for installing SQLMesh on your computer.
Python virtual environment
It is recommended, but not required, that you use a python virtual environment with SQLMesh.
First, create the virtual environment:
Then activate it:
Install SQLMesh core
Install the core SQLMesh library with pip
Install extras
Some SQLMesh functionality requires additional Python libraries.
will automatically install them for you if you specify the relevant name in brackets. For example, you install the SQLMesh browser UI extras with pip install "sqlmesh[web]"
Some extras add features, like the SQLMesh browser UI or Github CI/CD bot:
Feature extras commands
Feature | pip command |
Browser UI | pip install "sqlmesh[web]" |
dbt projects | pip install "sqlmesh[dbt]" |
dlt projects | pip install "sqlmesh[dlt]" |
Github CI/CD bot | pip install "sqlmesh[github]" |
Slack notifications | pip install "sqlmesh[slack]" |
Development setup | pip install "sqlmesh[dev]" |
LLM SQL prompt | pip install "sqlmesh[llm]" |
Other extras are required to use specific SQL engines, like Bigquery or Postgres:
SQL engine extras commands
SQL engine | pip command |
Athena | pip install "sqlmesh[athena]" |
Bigquery | pip install "sqlmesh[bigquery]" |
ClickHouse | pip install "sqlmesh[clickhouse]" |
Databricks | pip install "sqlmesh[databricks]" |
GCP Postgres | pip install "sqlmesh[gcppostgres]" |
MS SQL Server | pip install "sqlmesh[mssql]" |
MySQL | pip install "sqlmesh[mysql]" |
Postgres | pip install "sqlmesh[postgres]" |
Redshift | pip install "sqlmesh[redshift]" |
Snowflake | pip install "sqlmesh[snowflake]" |
Trino | pip install "sqlmesh[trino]" |
Multiple extras can be installed at once, as in pip install "sqlmesh[web,slack]"
Next steps
Now that you've installed SQLMesh, it's time to get started with the SQLMesh example project.
SQLMesh has three user interfaces - choose one for the example project and jump right in:
Have an existing dbt project you want to run? Install the dbt extra and check out SQLMesh's dbt adapter.