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Tobiko Cloud: Getting Started

Tobiko Cloud is a data platform that extends SQLMesh to make it easy to manage data at scale without the waste.

We're here to make it easy to get started and feel confident that everything is working as expected. After you've completed the steps below, you'll have achieved the following:

  • Log in to Tobiko Cloud via the browser
  • Connect Tobiko Cloud to your local machine via the CLI
  • Connect Tobiko Cloud to your data warehouse
  • Verify that Tobiko Cloud interacts with your data warehouse as expected


Before you start, the Tobiko team must complete a few steps.

Your Tobiko Solutions Architect will:

  • Set up a 1 hour meeting with you to fully onboard
  • Request that a new Tobiko Cloud account be created for you (single tenant by default)
  • Share a temporary password link that expires in 7 days
  • Make sure you save the password in your own password manager

To prepare for the meeting, ensure you or another attendee have data warehouse administrator rights to:

  • Update warehouse user and object permissions
  • Create new users and grant them create/update/delete permissions on a specific database (ex: database.schema.table)

For migrations from SQLMesh (open source) to Tobiko Cloud only:

  • Your Tobiko Solutions Architect will send you a script to extract your current state
  • You send that state to the Tobiko Cloud engineers to validate before the migration occurs
  • After validation, Tobiko Solutions Architect will schedule a migration date and meeting to move your state to Tobiko Cloud. There will be some downtime if you are running SQLMesh in a production environment.

Note: if you must be on VPN to access your data warehouse or have specific security requirements, please let us know and we can discuss options to ensure Tobiko Cloud can securely connect.

Technical Requirements:

  • Tobiko Cloud requires Python version 3.9 or later

Log in to Tobiko Cloud

The first step to setting up Tobiko Cloud is logging in to the web interface:

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the Tobiko Cloud URL (ex:
  2. Leave the username blank and use the temporary password you received from the Solutions Architect in the temporary password link
  3. Once logged in, you should see the home page. Your view should be empty, but the figure below shows a populated example with Tobiko Cloud running in production:

tcloud home page

Install the tcloud CLI

Now we need to configure the tcloud command line interface tool.

First, open a terminal within your terminal/IDE (ex: VSCode). Then follow the following steps to install the tcloud CLI:

  1. Create a new project directory and navigate into it:

    mkdir tcloud_project
    cd tcloud_project
  2. Create a new file called requirements.txt and add tcloud to it:

    echo 'tcloud==1.3.0' > requirements.txt

    Pypi source: tcloud

  3. Create a Python virtual environment and install tcloud:

    python -m venv .venv # create a virtual environment
    source .venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
    pip install -r requirements.txt # install the tcloud CLI
    which tcloud # verify the tcloud CLI is installed in the venv in the path above

    Note: you may need to run python3 or pip3 instead of python or pip, depending on your python installation.

  4. Create an alias to ensure use of tcloud:

    We recommend using a command line alias to ensure all sqlmesh commands run on Tobiko Cloud.

    Set the alias in the terminal by running alias sqlmesh='tcloud sqlmesh' in every session.

    Or add this to your shell profile file (ex: ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc) so you don't have to run the command every time:

    alias sqlmesh='tcloud sqlmesh'

    Note: the rest of the commands in this document will NOT use the alias to avoid confusion with the open source SQLMesh CLI.

Connect Tobiko Cloud to Data Warehouse

Now we're ready to connect your data warehouse to Tobiko Cloud:

  1. Create a new file called tcloud.yaml and add the project configuration below, substituting the appropriate values for your project:

        public-demo: # TODO: update this for the project name in the URL
            url: # TODO: update for your unique URL
            gateway: tobiko_cloud
            extras: bigquery,web,github  # TODO: update bigquery for your data warehouse
    default_project: public-demo # TODO: update this for the project name in the URL
  2. Export the token from the Solutions Architect:

    tcloud provides your security token to Tobiko Cloud via the TCLOUD_TOKEN environment variable, so we must create and export it.

    Obtain the token from your Solutions Architect, then pass it to the environment variable with this command (substituting your token value in single quotes):

    export TCLOUD_TOKEN=<your token> # ex: export TCLOUD_TOKEN='jiaowjifeoawj$22fe'

    Note: always include the single quotes ' ' around your token

    Storing your token

    Always follow your organization's procedures for storing secrets and credentials.

    The command above will create the TCLOUD_TOKEN environment variable, but the variable will only exist for the duration of the terminal session. We need a mechanism to create and export the variable every time we use Tobiko Cloud.

    If your organization doesn't have specific procedures for storing secrets, we recommend defining the environment variable in either an .env file in your root project directory or in your terminal's profile file.

    If using the former, make sure the .env file is listed in your .gitignore file to prevent it from being tracked by Git and exposed in plain text.

    Example .env file:

    # TODO: add any other environment variables such as username, ports, etc. based on your data warehouse
    DATA_WAREHOUSE_CREDENTIALS=<your data warehouse credentials>
    TCLOUD_TOKEN=<your tcloud token>

    Run these commands to load the environment variables from .env:

    set -a        # Turn on auto-export
    source .env   # Read the file, all variables are automatically exported
    set +a        # Turn off auto-export

    Or add these lines to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to automatically export the environment variables when you open the terminal (instead of running the set -a and source .env commands every time):

    # .bashrc or .zshrc
    export DATA_WAREHOUSE_CREDENTIALS=<your data warehouse credentials>
    export TCLOUD_TOKEN=<your tcloud token>

    Note that the automatically exported environment variables will be accessible to other programs on your computer.

  3. Initialize a new SQLMesh project:

    tcloud sqlmesh init <your data warehouse>
  4. Update your project's config.yaml with your data warehouse connection information:

    Your new SQLMesh project will contain a configuration file named config.yaml that includes a DuckDB connection.

    Replace the DuckDB connection information with your data warehouse's information.

    This example shows a Bigquery warehouse connection; see more examples here.

      tobiko_cloud: # this will use the config in tcloud.yaml for state_connection
          type: bigquery
          method: service-account-json
          concurrent_tasks: 5
          register_comments: true
          keyfile_json: {{ env_var('GOOGLE_SQLMESH_CREDENTIALS') }} # uses the value in the GOOGLE_SQLMESH_CREDENTIALS environment variable
          project: sqlmesh-public-demo
    default_gateway: tobiko_cloud
      dialect: bigquery # TODO: update for your data warehouse
      start: 2024-08-19 # TODO: I recommend updating this to an earlier date representing the historical data you want to backfill
    # make Tobiko Cloud only allow deploying to dev environments, use env var to override in CI/CD
    # allow_prod_deploy: {{ env_var('ALLOW_PROD_DEPLOY', 'false') }}
    # enables synchronized deployments to prod when a pull request gets a `/deploy` command or is approved by a required approver
      type: github
      merge_method: squash
      enable_deploy_command: true
      external: full
      python: full
      sql: full
      seed: full
    # preview data for forward only models
    enable_preview: true
    # list of users that are allowed to approve PRs for synchronized deployments
      - username: sung_tcloud_demo
        github_username: sungchun12
          - required_approver
  5. Create a tcloud user in the warehouse

    During your onboarding call, we will walk through instructions live to create a new tcloud data warehouse user with the necessary permissions.

    SQLMesh will run as this user to create, update, and delete tables in your data warehouse. You can scope the user permissions to a specific database if needed.

    Find additional data warehouse specific instructions here: Data Warehouse Integrations.

  6. Verify the connection between Tobiko Cloud and data warehouse:

    Now we're ready to verify that the connection between Tobiko Cloud and the data warehouse is working properly.

    Run the info command from your terminal:

    tcloud sqlmesh info

    It will return output similar to this:

    (.venv)   tcloud_project git:(main)  tcloud sqlmesh info
    Models: 3
    Macros: 0
    Data warehouse connection succeeded
    State backend connection succeeded

Verify SQLMesh functionality

Let's run a plan to verify that SQLMesh is working correctly.

Run tcloud sqlmesh plan in your terminal and enter y at the prompt to apply the changes.

tcloud sqlmesh plan

It will return output similar to this:

(.venv)   tcloud_project git:(main)  tcloud sqlmesh plan
Successfully Ran 1 tests against duckdb
New environment `prod` will be created from `prod`
Summary of differences against `prod`:
└── Added:
    ├── sqlmesh_example.full_model
    ├── sqlmesh_example.incremental_model
    └── sqlmesh_example.seed_model
Models needing backfill (missing dates):
├── sqlmesh_example.full_model: 2024-11-24 - 2024-11-24
├── sqlmesh_example.incremental_model: 2020-01-01 - 2024-11-24
└── sqlmesh_example.seed_model: 2024-11-24 - 2024-11-24
Apply - Backfill Tables [y/n]: y
Creating physical tables ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100.0%  3/3  0:00:00

All model versions have been created successfully

[1/1] sqlmesh_example.seed_model evaluated in 0.00s
[1/1] sqlmesh_example.incremental_model evaluated in 0.01s
[1/1] sqlmesh_example.full_model evaluated in 0.01s
Evaluating models ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100.0%  3/3  0:00:00

All model batches have been executed successfully

Virtually Updating 'prod' ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100.0%  0:00:00

The target environment has been updated successfully

Tobiko Cloud and SQLMesh are working!

Next steps

Your tcloud project directory should look and feel like this:

tcloud project directory

From here, if you have an existing SQLMesh project, you can copy over your existing models and macros to the models and macros directories (along with other files as needed).

You are now fully onboarded with Tobiko Cloud. We recommend reviewing the helpful links below to get familiar with SQLMesh and Tobiko Cloud.

Here's to data transformation without the waste!