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Model configuration

This page lists SQLMesh model configuration options and their parameters.

Learn more about specifying SQLMesh model properties in the model concepts overview page.

General model properties

Configuration options for SQLMesh model properties. Supported by all model kinds other than SEED models.

Option Description Type Required
name The model name. Must include at least a qualifying schema (<schema>.<model>) and may include a catalog (<catalog>.<schema>.<model>). If any project model name includes a catalog, all model names must include a catalog or a default catalog must be set. str Y
kind The model kind (Additional Details) (Default: VIEW) str | dict N
audits SQLMesh audits that should run against the model's output array[str] N
dialect The SQL dialect in which the model's query is written. All SQL dialects supported by the SQLGlot library are allowed. str N
owner The owner of a model; may be used for notification purposes str N
stamp Arbitrary string used to indicate a model's version without changing the model name str N
tags Arbitrary strings used to organize or classify a model array[str] N
cron The cron expression specifying how often the model should be refreshed. (Default: @daily) str N
interval_unit The temporal granularity of the model's data intervals. Supported values: year, month, day, hour, half_hour, quarter_hour, five_minute. (Default: inferred from cron) str N
start The date/time that determines the earliest date interval that should be processed by a model. Can be a datetime string, epoch time in milliseconds, or a relative datetime such as 1 year ago. str | int N
end The date/time that determines the latest date interval that should be processed by a model. Can be a datetime string, epoch time in milliseconds, or a relative datetime such as 1 year ago. str | int N
grains The column(s) whose combination uniquely identifies each row in the model str | array[str] N
references The model column(s) used to join to other models' grains str | array[str] N
depends_on Models on which this model depends. (Default: dependencies inferred from model code) array[str] N
storage_format The storage format that should be used to store physical tables; only applicable to engines such as Spark str N
partitioned_by The column(s) used to partition the model's physical table; only applicable to engines that support partitioning str N
clustered_by The column(s) used to cluster the model's physical table; only applicable to engines that support clustering str N
columns The column names and data types returned by the model. Disables automatic inference of column names and types from the SQL query. array[str] N
table_properties Arbitrary table properties specific to the target engine. Specified as key-value pairs (key = value) dict N
allow_partials Whether this model can process partial (incomplete) data intervals bool N
description Description of the model. Automatically registered in the SQL engine's table COMMENT field or equivalent (if supported by the engine). str N

Model defaults

The SQLMesh project-level configuration must contain the model_defaults key and must specify a value for its dialect key. Other values are set automatically unless explicitly overridden in the model definition. Learn more about project-level configuration in the configuration guide.

The SQLMesh project-level model_defaults key supports the following options, described in the general model properties table above:

  • kind
  • dialect
  • cron
  • owner
  • start
  • end
  • storage_format

Model kind properties

Configuration options for kind-specific SQLMesh model properties, in addition to the general model properties listed above.

Learn more about model kinds at the model kind concepts page. Learn more about specifying model kind in Python models at the Python models concepts page.

VIEW models

Configuration options for models of the VIEW kind (in addition to general model properties).

Option Description Type Required
materialized Whether views should be materialized (for engines supporting materialized views). (Default: False) bool N

Python model configuration object: ViewKind()

FULL models

The FULL model kind does not support any configuration options other than the general model properties listed above.

Python model configuration object: FullKind()

Incremental models

Configuration options for all incremental models (in addition to general model properties).

Option Description Type Required
batch_size The maximum number of intervals that can be evaluated in a single backfill task. If this is None, all intervals will be processed as part of a single task. If this is set, a model's backfill will be chunked such that each individual task only contains jobs with the maximum of batch_size intervals. (Default: None) int N
batch_concurrency The maximum number of batches that can run concurrently for this model (Default: the number of concurrent tasks set in the connection settings). int N
lookback The number of time unit intervals prior to the current interval that should be processed. (Default: 0) int N

Incremental by time range

Configuration options for INCREMENTAL_BY_TIME_RANGE models (in addition to general model properties and incremental model properties).

Option Description Type Required
time_column The model column containing each row's timestamp. str Y
format Argument to time_column. Format of the time column's data. (Default: %Y-%m-%d) str N
forward_only Whether the model's changes should always be classified as forward-only. (Default: False) bool N
disable_restatement Whether restatements should be disabled for the model. (Default: False) bool N

Python model configuration object: IncrementalByTimeRangeKind()

Incremental by unique key

Configuration options for INCREMENTAL_BY_UNIQUE_KEY models (in addition to general model properties and incremental model properties).

Option Description Type Required
unique_key The model column(s) containing each row's unique key. str | list[str] Y
when_matched SQL logic used to update columns when a match occurs - only available on engines that support MERGE. (Default: update all columns) str N
forward_only Whether the model's changes should always be classified as forward-only. (Default: False) bool N
disable_restatement Whether restatements should be disabled for the model. (Default: False) bool N

Python model configuration object: IncrementalByUniqueKeyKind()

SCD Type 2 models

Configuration options for SCD_TYPE_2 models (in addition to general model properties and incremental model properties).

Option Description Type Required
unique_key The model column(s) containing each row's unique key. list[str] Y
valid_from_name The model column containing each row's valid from date. (Default: valid_from) str N
valid_to_name The model column containing each row's valid to date. (Default: valid_to) str N
invalidate_hard_deletes If set to true, when a record is missing from the source table it will be marked as invalid - see here for more information. (Default: True) bool N
SCD Type 2 By Time

Configuration options for SCD_TYPE_2_BY_TIME models (in addition to general model properties, incremental model properties, and SCD Type 2 properties).

Option Description Type Required
updated_at_name The model column containing each row's updated at date. (Default: updated_at) str N
updated_at_as_valid_from By default, for new rows the valid_from column is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00. This sets valid_from to the value of updated_at when the row is inserted. (Default: False) bool N
SCD Type 2 By Column

Configuration options for SCD_TYPE_2_BY_COLUMN models (in addition to general model properties, incremental model properties, and SCD Type 2 properties).

Option Description Type Required
columns Columns whose changed data values indicate a data update (instead of an updated_at column). * to represent that all columns should be checked. str | array[str] Y
execution_time_as_valid_from By default, for new rows valid_from is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00. This changes the behavior to set it to the execution_time of when the pipeline ran. (Default: False) bool N

Python model configuration object: SCDType2Kind()

SEED models

Configuration options for SEED models. SEED models do not support all the general properties supported by other models; they only support the properties listed in this table.

Top-level options inside the MODEL DDL:

Option Description Type Required
name The model name. Must include at least a qualifying schema (<schema>.<model>) and may include a catalog (<catalog>.<schema>.<model>). If any project model name includes a catalog, all model names must include a catalog or a default catalog must be set. str Y
kind The model kind. Must be SEED. str Y
columns The column names and data types in the CSV file. Disables automatic inference of column names and types by the pandas CSV reader. NOTE: order of columns overrides the order specified in the CSV header row (if present). array[str] N
audits SQLMesh audits that should run against the model's output array[str] N
owner The owner of a model; may be used for notification purposes str N
stamp Arbitrary string used to indicate a model's version without changing the model name str N
tags Arbitrary strings used to organize or classify a model array[str] N
description Description of the model. Automatically registered in the SQL engine's table COMMENT field or equivalent (if supported by the engine). str N

Options specified within the top-level kind property:

Option Description Type Required
path Path to seed CSV file. str Y
batch_size The maximum number of CSV rows ingested in each batch. All rows ingested in one batch if not specified. int N
csv_settings Pandas CSV reader settings (overrides default values). Specified as key-value pairs (key = value). dict N

Options specified within the kind property's csv_settings property (overrides default Pandas CSV reader settings):

Option Description Type Required
delimiter Character or regex pattern to treat as the delimiter. More information at the Pandas documentation. str N
quotechar Character used to denote the start and end of a quoted item. More information at the Pandas documentation. str N
doublequote When quotechar is specified, indicate whether or not to interpret two consecutive quotechar elements INSIDE a field as a single quotechar element. More information at the Pandas documentation. bool N
escapechar Character used to escape other characters. More information at the Pandas documentation. str N
skipinitialspace Skip spaces after delimiter. More information at the Pandas documentation. bool N
lineterminator Character used to denote a line break. More information at the Pandas documentation. str N
encoding Encoding to use for UTF when reading/writing (ex. 'utf-8'). More information at the Pandas documentation. str N

Python model configuration object: SeedKind()